Just for those on my website and mailing list

Please forgive me if you have read the following before but as I have new friends who are interested in my ministry looking at the website and joining my mailing list regularly, twice a year I give the following financial appeal in case any would like to, and feel that they are in the position to help support me financially.

Today, as with the rest of my 46 years of ministry, I have no regular income and my main income has always been provided by the generosity of Christians who believe in me and want to help fund what I continue to do.

If God has blessed you financially and you would like to give a regular sum monthly or a one of gift please do e mail me (ishmael@ishmael.org.uk) and I can give you bank details.

Any gift however large or small is really appreciated.

I may be getting older…but I praise God that He is still continuing to use me in evangelism and teaching for all ages, pastoral ministry with the needy and cancer sufferers and of course communicating through music.

Not only do I feel more inspired than ever but the brilliant news is that I now feel healthier than I have felt since I was diagnosed with leukaemia 8 years ago!

This means I have even more energy to do a lot more travelling, distance ministry and meeting / praying for and encouraging people which I so love doing. Hallelujah and thank you Lord!