Hillingdon Baptist Church Weekend
Just arrived back from my Hillingdon Baptist weekend and wow, what a weekend it was!
The praise party and sting in the tale concert were very enjoyable and well attended and this mornings all age service was packed!
Reg the minister (who I have known for many years at Spring Harvest) and the whole congregation were so welcoming and friendly…They made me feel at home as soon as I arrived!
But I have to say what stands out in my mind was last nights sting in the tale concert.
Those that have seen it know it’s very adult with a lot of chat (my testimony) and comparatively only a few songs.
I was a little worried when I saw some of the children who had been at the praise party taking their seats for the concert. The last thing I ever want to do is bore young children!
I need not have been worried though as they were as good as gold and listened intently for the full 100 or so minutes in fact one young lad enjoyed it more than anything else I did!
So….what do I know about what children appreciate!
Brilliant time. Thank you all at Hillingdon Baptist Church..hopefully see you again in less than 27 years time…which was roughly when I last visited you!