Ish’s proposed ‘great northern tour 2022’ event!
I was due to be in Sandown on the Isle of Wight on October 30th but they have kindly agreed to move their Praise Party to November. More details to follow on the new date for Sandown.
I asked them to move the date to make way for a proposed northern / Scottish tour (Manchester northwards) from Saturday October 22nd until Sunday 30th.
Although I’m not expecting gigs on all of those 9 nights I decided on them because it will be half term which means that children will be able to attend any weeknight Praise Parties as there will be no school the following day.
The cost to each church will be £250 that will include all expenses. I will also be asking for an offering to be taken up at each event to go towards my ministry.
If your church is going through financially difficult times, this might be something that a church member who God has blessed financially might want to sponsor to bless their church.
Anyway, please do contact me if you are interested in me visiting you sometime during those 9 days and having a real fun time. I will then work out an itinerary to make sure that I am not in Manchester on the Saturday night and Edinburgh on the following Sunday morning!
I repeat, numbers attending are not important and I will be available to do an all age praise party, an all age Sunday Celebration or a when the road is rough and steep testimony concert.
It will be first come first served to make it fair.
Please contact me at
