Our Autumn Road Trip
Hi, on this page I will be sharing, reviewing, and recommending resources for children’s, family, and all-age, church-based work. I love to explore and discover new ideas, and creative ways of supporting this fantastic ministry. It’s such a privilege to serve the church and to help make worship meaningful and fun for children and families. I hope you’ll find my ideas and recommendations helpful.
We’ve just returned from nine amazing days on the road mixing work and sight-seeing. Ish’s praise parties were received really well and we had the great privilege of meeting so many lovely Christians who are doing amazing work for God in the north of England. Ish has posted up on his Facebook and Web pages some of the exciting things happening in the churches we visited. We were given such a warm welcome everywhere we went and heard great stories about what God is doing through children’s and family work in: Holiday Clubs, Messy Church, Parent and Toddler Groups, Home Groups, Bible Coffee Mornings, Healing Prayer Groups, and the creative ways the churches are reaching out to their communities with Foodbanks, Warm Spaces and Schools Work.
But I want to share something about what we did in between the gigs and so have posted some photos below. When we visit an area we love to explore churches, cathedrals and places of historic interest. I wonder if any of you have visited the same places?

We began our trip on the way north by stopping off at Stratford-on-Avon, William Shakespeare’s birthplace. Shakespeare was born at a time of religious upheaval when it was illegal to practice the Catholic faith. Most historians agree he was a baptised member of the Church of England but many have doubts about his religious views – was he Protestant or a recusant Catholic? His Last Will and Testament dated 25 March 1616 declared:
In the name of God, Amen. I, William Shakespeare, in perfect health and memory, God be praised, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. That is to say, first, I commend my soul into the hands of God my Creator, hoping and assuredly believing, through the only merits of Jesus Christ my Saviour, to be made partaker of life everlasting, and my body to the earth whereof it is made.
We drove further north to the Yorkshire Dales and a particular highlight was the stunning views of the countryside around Grassington where the recent TV series of ‘All Creatures Great and Small was filmed’. We also visited a small part of Hadrian’s Wall.

We stopped off at Durham Cathedral and also Hexham Abbey where a very friendly and informative guide allowed us a special viewing of the ancient crypt. The Holy Island at Lindisfarne was particularly memorable as it was very peaceful, and the weather was lovely. We sat on the beach and reflected on the surroundings of God’s beautiful creation and a huge seal popped its head out of the water very near us. It was fascinating to read in each place about all those dedicated Christians throughout history like St Cuthbert whose lives were totally committed to serving God.

Lord God we thank you for all those men, women and children throughout history who dedicated their lives to you and made a difference in our world. Please help us also to commit ourselves to you so that we may be a blessing to others and share your love, joy and peace with those around us. AMEN
Bede’s Life of Saint Cuthbert by Simon Webb
Soul Fuel for Young Explorers by Bear Grylls
Ten Girls Who Changed the World by Irene Howat
Saint Cuthbert and the Lindisfarne Gospels by Sue Tinker