Our Suffolk Churches Trip

This weekend Ish was booked to give a praise party in Moreton Hall parish church in Bury St Edmunds. The church and congregation were brilliantly warm and friendly and joined in so well. Here is a photo of the church and the vicar Jonathan who knew Ish from our Spring Harvest days. The church is right in the middle of a huge residential community. It was a great fun afternoon followed by tea and cake.

On our travels we try to fit in a visit to a local cathedral where possible. We have had the pleasure of visiting many over the years and last weekend was no exception. After the Praise Party I checked the St Edmundsbury Cathedral opening times which stated it had already closed as it was after 4 pm. However, we wandered down anyway to take a look at the outside and lo and behold there was a side door open and we met a very helpful guide who invited us in. She gave us lots of great information on the cathedral and said we could wander about and take photos. We have found this response at lots of cathedrals, people are always so welcoming and friendly.

I was impressed with the Lego model they are constructing at the back of the cathedral. People are invited to donate a brick as well as help to build it. What a great idea!

On Sunday Ish was asked to take the morning service at Cedars Church in Stowmarket. The church meets in the local primary school right in the centre of their community. We have known the leader Jonathan for years as he served on our team at Spring Harvest. Here is a photo of Ish with Jonathan, his wife Lidia and children Joseph and Naomi. We had a great time with lots of energetic children who joined in so well with their families. The church is served by a wonderful team and we had great fun as we learned scripture and worshipped together.

I have to say that the Church in general seems to get a lot of bad press at the moment because of various disagreements but the churches we visit are all so welcoming and friendly. They just want to share the love of God and be a faithful witness into their communities. The joy of the Holy Spirit and the love of God and was certainly present in the churches we visited this weekend.

Let Us Pray

Father God, we pray for your Church both local and worldwide. That divisions would be healed, and people will see that your love, joy and compassion is available to all and in everything that we do and say.



Why Go To Church? by Timothy Radcliffe

The Church: A Unique Gathering of People by John Stott

Living Church: Exploring the Christian Church Today by Murray McBride

Reclaiming A Generation by Ishmael

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