‘Ish’s favourites concert’ (just the working title at the mo).

In a couple of months’ time, I will have been 75 years in travelling music ministry and 55 years upon the earth. (Or maybe it’s the other way round!)

I obviously want to keep touring doing the ‘when the road is rough and steep testimony concert’, and all age praise parties and Sunday morning celebrations but I also want to do something very different to celebrate.

So….I want to offer Churches something I can’t ever remember doing and that is a PROPER Ishmael concert. I won’t be doing my short little Scripture or action songs; they are for the praise parties.

It will be a sit down concert and suitable for older children and adults and although it is a bit self-indulgent, I want to do the songs that I have most loved singing over the past 55 years.

It will be likely to include a lot of story songs like Bartimaeus, King of glory, Nicodemus etc. Also worship songs like kiss the hand of Jesus, God is here, God is present, also challenging songs like mission to seagulls, song of the last generation and of course a lot of fun songs and that will include some of my favourite Glorie songs.

So, although I will not be asking the audience to do any jumping about or actions, there will be plenty of songs that they can sing along with me if they so choose.

I will make it suitable for seekers as well as believers and because I am an evangelist, I will sharing the good news of Jesus very clearly. And yes…there will be plenty of laughter!

I will be available to travel to you and perform this rather unique ‘Ish’s favourites concert’ any time after August 10th. but you can book it now.