This month my approx. 5 minute chat is taken from Matthew 6:25-27
This can now be watched on Ishmaels Songs YouTube Channel Ish’s Biblical Munch…for the 1st of the month. August. ‘Don’t Worry! I do love sharing Scripture both in speech and song but was both very surprised and very thrilled that over 1000 of you took the time to glance at my July 5-minute talk on John the Baptist that I did at the Cathedral family service and was certainly a Scripture that I would not have chosen to speak on at a family service. .But seeing your interest got me thinking that you may like to watch/hear a few more. So, I’m going to trial run few more of my…
Wednesday’s song is ‘I am standing on solid ground’
Of course, it’s great to worship God when we are on our own, but something extra special seems to happen when we worship God with others For any interested. Please do take a look. Ps 26 v 12 Every Wednesday and Sunday I post up a brand-new short Scripture song’ video on my Ishmaels Songs YouTube channel. May I encourage you to subscribe and watch, listen to, and maybe learn 2 short and simple new Bible verse songs each week.
This Sunday’s song is ‘Treat others as you want them to treat you!’
We do not like it when others treat us badly…but how do we treat others? For any interested. Please do take a look. Matthew 7:12 Every Wednesday and Sunday I post up a brand-new short Scripture song’ video on my Ishmaels Songs YouTube channel. May I encourage you to subscribe and watch, listen to, and maybe learn 2 short and simple new Bible verse songs each week.
Ishy’s Auction Number 8
Still waiting for more settled weather so I can photograph my larger item. Meanwhile… Just to remind you that I am at that age when I need to pass on some of my historic personal treasures / memorabilia to those who would like them because if I don’t, they are very likely to end up on the rubbish tip! Today’s vinyl single I’m auctioning is quite rare as we only pressed a small number. In 1972 when Myrrh and Word were beginning to dominate the young contemporary Christian recording industry, Andy and I decided (as always) to break tradition and bring out a single on our own label SALT.It has…
Today’s song is ‘Shout praises to the LORD!’
God is good ALL the time not just when He answers our prayers in the way we wanted Him to For any interested. Please do take a look. Psalm 147 v 1 Every Wednesday and Sunday I post up a brand-new short Scripture song’ video on my Ishmaels Songs YouTube channel. May I encourage you to subscribe and watch, listen to, and maybe learn 2 short and simple new Bible verse songs each week.