A plug for the Chichester ‘Sting’ concert in a weeks time.
Just to inform you all that I am now back at work and will be posting off your shop orders this afternoon.
Also, if you live near Chichester, this week is the last week that you will be able to buy tickets for the ‘sting in the tale’ evening being held in the olde bishops kitchen (entrance near the west door of the cathedral) on Wednesday October 26th at 7pm.
As space is limited, Tickets will not be for sale on the door.
You will need to buy them in advance either from St Olavs Christian bookshop in north street or if it’s easier, you can order them directly from me and I will put them on one side for you so you can pick them up and pay the £5 per ticket when you arrive.
I promise you it will be an eye opening fun evening of Ish stories sung and spoken and as it will all be over before 9pm you will not be late getting home if you are working the next day.
Love to see you there if you can make it.