If you live anywhere near Bognor please can you do me a big favour.

Tomorrow can you let it be known to your friends and Churches that on Tuesday November 14th I will be performing the ‘Glorie Days’ concert at St Mary Magdalene Church, South Bersted.
It will begin at 7pm sharp and end around 8.15pm so not too late a night if older children would like to come along and join in the fun…and believe me, it will be fun!

Admission is £5 adults £3 children (payable at the door).

I’ve just checked my diary and as I write I see no further local concerts have been arranged so this may be the last opportunity for locals to come and hear me tell some exciting stories and sing some of the most popular ‘Glorie’ songs which were enjoyed by all ages.

So don’t be a Miserie, come and enjoy a ‘Glorie-ous night out!