Off I go again!

Another exciting mini-tour begins again today.

Tonight (22nd) Ebenezer Church in Horfield.
Praise Party 6.00pm
Sting in the Tale testimony concert 8.00pm Doors open at 7.30pm for refreshments beforehand.

Tomorrow (23rd) Christ Church, Cricklade Street, Swindon
Sting in the Tale testimony concert 7.30pm

Thursday (24th) Rodbourne Cheney Baptist Church, Swindon
A special All Age Praise Party 6.30pm

Do come and join in the fun if you live anywhere near Bristol and Swindon. Do try and get to the venue a little earlier so I have the chance to say hello to you.

Some of the above events will have a nominal admission charge (payable on the door) to help towards the concerts expenses.