A busy, exciting, and very varied 3 events approaching.
On Thursday October 31st I will NOT be scaring people and celebrating the prince of darkness, instead I will be having a very happy time praising the light of the world at a special children’s light party at the Ascension Church, Haywards Heath 6pm. Admission free, all invited but especially for children.
On Friday November 1st I will be making my annual return to Felpham Methodist Church at 7pm to do my latest big celebration concert. Very lively, and lots of audience singing participation as I thank God for 50 years on the road…and 70 years on the earth. Admission free.
Finally on Sunday November 3rd I will be back with my friends at Chiddingfold Baptist Church to lead a special celebration service for them at 10.30am.
Brother Timbo will be joining me to play bass at Felpham and Chiddingfold.
So, as always, if you live near to any of the above, do come along and say hello…and join in the fun!