My time in Wolverhampton

I cannot begin to explain the wonderful time I had at Holy Trinity Church in Wolverhampton on Sunday.

I so love being back with people and doing what I believe God has STILL called me to do.

It was a very large building and a very large all age congregation attended and praise God all ages included lots of children and families.

For me, the bookings have been so much better than before lockdown and the great thing is I feel more relaxed being in front of people than ever before. People seem to be enjoying me…. just being me!I am still praying for more opportunities to visit more churches, as (and I say this humbly) I really feel that God has given me so much to offer especially at this time.

I want to bring a bit of fun and life back into Churches after such a difficult year and a half.I’ve just returned back to Chichester and Gill the lovely organiser has just e mailed me these words of encouragement. Things just get better and better!

Hi Ish,Just to say a big, huge, gigantic “Thank you” for this morning. It was great – just like ‘old times’ and so good to see so many people – especially families – turning up for the service.You have always had such a wonderful ministry of teaching God’s Bible truths through song – and it’s a real blessing to see that God is continuing to use you in this way.