‘My peace I give to you’ John 14 verse 27
A reminder that due to me touring, I will not be posting up the next song until Wednesday November 2nd but that will be a special week. That week I will be posting up my 300th video song on my YouTube Channel for you to enjoy watching, listening to and maybe learning.
Please invite your friends to join in the fun and to tune in with us on Sundays and Wednesdays.
And today we are singing and memorising John 14 verse 27
‘My peace I give to you’
For home use only. If you choose to use an Ishmael song in a public setting, please add the song title to your churches CCLI ID for this song CCLI ID# 7206449 MY PEACE I GIVE TO YOU
‘This song is written by Ishmael (Ian Smale) and copyright by Song Solutions Daybreak.
You will find the words and guitar chords on my Ishmaels Songs YouTube Channel.
Just to add (as you may have noticed) I am writing songs at a rather frequent rate at the moment, and initially I never know if this song I have written is good or not so good and …YOU will be one of the first to both hear it and make that decision.
So then, if you think it’s good, all credit goes to God…if you think it’s not so good all credit goes to me!
Oh, and if you think any tune sounds familiar to another song I have written, it may well do. You can only think up so many tunes whilst using so few chords. But the idea is to always keep my songs easy to sing, simple to play and most important straightforward for ALL to learn.
As you will see, God has not gifted me as a great singer or musician, I believe that my gifting is more in song writing and communication. These video songs are just to teach you the songs and should you choose to perform one of them, there is a great chance of it sounding a lot better than what you are about to watch.
If you enjoy Ish’s music and would like to either book him to visit your Church or wish to contribute towards his ongoing ministry (which survives thanks to kind donations) please
e mail him at ishmael@ishmael.org.uk