• Wednesday’s song is ‘The maker of everything in the heavens’

    I will never get over the fact that the creator of the universe not only knows who I am, He also takes time to talk and listen to me.  WOW!  Ps 146 v 6 For any interested. Please do take a look. Every Wednesday and Sunday I post up a brand-new short Scripture song’ video on my Ishmaels Songs YouTube channel. May I encourage you to subscribe and watch, and encourage others to listen to, and maybe learn 2 short and simple new Bible verse songs each week

  • A bit of a task ahead

    In roughly 4 weeks time I will be starting a new concert season so just for fun I thought I would flip through my old songs and maybe add one or two different ones to freshen up the set. Obviously I will be choosing songs that I know people have both enjoyed and appreciated over the past 55 years and yes, don’t panic, I will be leaving Wolfy, Bigger Barn and Father God in the set. It was as I got the files out I realised the task I had set myself! Not only do I seem to have written more songs than I thought, but I cannot remember how…

  • Sunday’s song is ‘When I am raised’

    We preach Christ crucified and rejoice in Christ resurrected ’For any interested. Please do take a look. John 12:32-33 Every Wednesday and Sunday I post up a brand-new short Scripture song’ video on my Ishmaels Songs YouTube channel. May I encourage you to subscribe and watch, and encourage others to listen to, and maybe learn 2 short and simple new Bible verse songs each week.

  • Wednesday’s song is ‘The food you put into your mouth’

    If your mouth is saying bad things about people, you will not have a heart that is able to worship God. Matt 15 v 11 For any interested. Please do take a look. Every Wednesday and Sunday I post up a brand-new short Scripture song’ video on my Ishmaels Songs YouTube channel. May I encourage you to subscribe and watch, and encourage others to listen to, and maybe learn 2 short and simple new Bible verse songs each week

  • Off to Burton Upon Trent

    Now some rather exciting news, after a 4 month ‘booking breather’ in a month’s time I will be back hitting the road again on Saturday September 21st this time visiting All Saints Church in Burton Upon Trent and doing a double whammy in a day. An all age Praise Party (for everyone) at 11am followed by the ‘When the road is rough and steep’ testimony concert at 4pm (which is more for adults). So it will be diving into the Treat at the deep end! But thankfully, I’ve not become too rusty as it has not been 4 months of sitting around twiddling my thumbs, there has also been a…