Update on my travelling availability in 2025
After prayerful consideration, having had to drive in the dark through gales and rain to reach my last 2 events, I’ve decided that I will only start taking longer distance gigs after the April 5th, 2025, when I look forward to restarting my distance tours by visiting Walsall…. after the clocks have moved forward, and the evenings have got lighter.
But I feel I need to still be available to visit any local Churches for a morning or early afternoon matinee event. These could be weekdays or weekends as the ‘Rough and Steep’ concert does seem to attract the more middle aged / senior audience and a midweek matinee might be more effective than at a weekend.
The numbers attending are not important (the right people will be there) and the cost will be very minimal as I will only be asking for travel expenses and an offering to be taken at the event.
Observing the impact these concerts are making I believe that God wants me to keep making myself available from January to March to any who might feel what I have to offer might bring a blessing to their church.
Feel free to contact me for more details or to find out if I consider that you are ‘local’ to Chichester.