F Ishy’s Friday Forgotten Epiphany Song

A great Epiphany song for children to join in with actions.

This song can be watched on the link below from my Ishmaels Songs YouTube Channel.

But…to hear the (much better) full band recording you need to listen to ‘Scripture Praise Party 2’ which can be bought as an album (CD or Download) from our website shop www.ishmael.org.uk


D                                        A

The wise men were so full of joy


When they saw Mary’s little boy



They bowed their heads before him

          A                                D

They worshipped and adored Him

          Bm                                 G

They laid their gifts before Him

           A                           D

King Jesus had been born. (Repeat)

All sing first 4 lines of the verse then for the 4 lines of the chorus

Invite the children to…

Stand and bow their heads

Kneel and worship

Mime laying gifts

Raise hands in joy

Then then quickly ask the children stand up again and repeat the chorus.

If you use an Ish song, please can you include it in your CCLI list.

The Wise Men CCLI 7184399

Writer Ishmael. Copyright 2011 Song Solutions Daybreak