Sunday’s song Psalm 37:39-40 ‘The lord He saves the righteous’

What makes a believer different? In difficult times, even if they may throw a temporary wobbly, they know that they must trust God to get through them.

For any interested. Please do take a clicking below

Every Wednesday and Sunday I post up a brand-new short Scripture song and on Friday’s  an older recorded song on my Ishmaels Songs YouTube channel.

May I encourage you to subscribe and watch, and encourage others to listen to, and maybe learn 3 Bible verse songs each week. You’ll thank me in the long run.

To find the Ish Scripture song verse you need to fit in with your theme / preach

Open YouTube and under search,

Type in the verse i.e. Acts 2 (If you are preaching on Pentecost)

Follow this with the words Ishmaels Songs

Then, if I have put that verse / Bible story to music, it should appear on your screen.

I’m writing 100s of these short, 3 chord, simple Scripture songs to hopefully be a musical resource for you to use. Please pass this on to others. They can be great to emphasise a sermon.


Why not organise an ‘Ish Weekend ‘at your Church.

‘When the road is rough and steep’ testimony concert on the Saturday.

Followed by

A Praise Party or an All-Age Celebration on the Sunday morning.

Expenses are being kept to the basic minimum as I just want to be with you, whilst I am still fit, able, and yup, still feeling just a tad anointed.

Please do contact me direct (e mail if you wish to know more.