• A busy week ahead!

    3 wonderful bedside communions in the hospital this morning and then, having a bit of time this afternoon I decided to do something that I have never done before. As this coming week is not too busy I decided to start going through and playing ALL my songs (except for the 270 new Scripture songs, they are in a separate file) which I’ve never counted but there must be many 100s seeing how full the files are. I’ve decided to play each song (some written way back to the 1960’s) to see which I should include on my up and coming concerts. I have yet to finish the songs beginning…

  • Sunday’s song is 2 Chron 6 v 14 ‘Lord God of Israel’

    Gods are not just created idols; they are anything or anyone one that becomes more important to us than the one and only true God. Before you listen to the song, ask God to speak to you through these words from Scripture. For any interested. Please do take a look.by clicking below https://www.youtube.com/@ishmaelssongs7693  Every Wednesday and Sunday I post up a brand-new short Scripture song and on Friday’s an older recorded song on my Ishmaels Songs YouTube channel. Daylights returning…and so is Ish for his 55th year of returning to visit churches. Yippee! Please note. From 30th March until 26th of October 2025 Ish is available for morning, matinee and…

  • Ps 103 v 11 For as high as the heavens (Thanking God for His love for us)

    Friday’s New ’Ish’ Old ‘Ish’ Scripture Song An old Scripture song that’s come alive again For any interested. Please do take a look.by clicking the link below. You will find over 300 Scripture songs to choose from https://www.youtube.com/@ishmaelssongs7693 Taken from the Ishmael’s Praise Songs For Little Children CD which can still be bought as an album (CD or Download) from our website shop www.ishmael.org.uk All Ish’s CDs and books are available and priced at £5.00 Every Wednesday and Sunday I post up a brand-new short Scripture song and on Friday’s an older recorded song on my Ishmaels Songs YouTube channel. .May I encourage you to subscribe and watch, and encourage…

  • Wednesday’s song is Rev 1 v 5-6 ‘‘To Jesus who loves us’

    Those who serve God have been transformed into a kingdom of priests. Before you listen to the song, ask God to speak to you through these words from Scripture. For any interested. Please do take a look.by clicking below https://www.youtube.com/@ishmaelssongs7693  Every Wednesday and Sunday I post up a brand-new short Scripture song and on Friday’s an older recorded song on my Ishmaels Songs YouTube channel. Daylights returning…and so is Ish for his 55th year of visiting churches. Yippee Please note. From 30th March until 26th of October 2025 Ish is available for morning, matinee and early evening services and concerts. So. Why not let your children and Church experience Ish…

  • I really look forward to Sunday’s.

    I’ll be honest we you. Having served as the missioner deacon at Chichester Cathedral for the past 18 years I considered that as my PTO (permission to officiate licence) was about to expire that it may be time for me to hang up my cassock and properly retire from Cathedral duties.. The agreement when I was first licensed was that I would set aside one Sunday a month to do my Cathedral duties and spend the other Sunday’s continuing my missioner calling by travelling to other Churches with my musical ministry. After this morning I was so pleased that the Dean and the other clergy convinced me to renew my…