Summing up my day in Burton on Trent
Understandably at my age, less Churches are wanting me to visit them and yet oddly more and more people are choosing to watch me sing on social media.
It seems that I am far more popular on a ‘screen’ than ‘live’ these days which is quite understandable as on a screen I can be switched off!!!
Seriously, knowing this, does get me thinking and wondering if the Lord is saying that my travelling ‘live gig’ days are coming to an end.
Then…. I go to All Saints Church at Burton and I think…or maybe not.
To begin with, the Saturday experiment of having a ‘Praise Party’ at 11am followed by a ‘When the road is rough and steep’ testimony concert at 4.00pm (both followed by tea and cakes of course) was a total success with a very good number of people attending both.
The Praise Party, as always, was teaching about Jesus and Scripture by means lively songs and humorous chat. However, I am noticing that they are attracting less children and lots more adults and yes, even my age group…senior citizens..
Actually I think this is great because lots of my songs are fun Scripture and sadly it’s not very often that Churches put on events for our adults to enjoy where they can have a good relaxing time and a good giggle!
An encouraging lady called Tracy who attended, messaged me after the praise party to say ‘it’s been a while since I laughed that much in church. So joyful, thoroughly enjoyable’
But that is exactly how I want my praise parties to be and I want ALL ages that attend to enjoy them.
The ‘when the road is rough and steep’ concert I felt was very special.
As I looked at peoples facing I could see so many of them relating to the words that I spoke and sung. And what a privilege to chat and pray with people afterwards.
Thank you so much Linda and Vicar Dave for inviting me and thank you everyone who attended, you really made Irene and I feel very loved…and confirmed to me that the Lord still wants His ageing servant to keep doing ‘live’ concerts and not just to become a stay at home ‘screen’ servant….just yet!
