F Ishy’s Friday Forgotten (Christmas) Song

F Ishy’s Friday Forgotten Song.

This is one of my very first “Christmas’ songs and it is very different than most Christmas carols and maybe a little more thought provoking than most you will sing this Christmas.

Just to balance out all the simple little Scripture Songs that I’m writing for you, for a while I’d also like to share with you one of my, how can I put it, favourite older ‘more substantial’ songs each Friday that many of you won’t know or will have forgotten.

This song can be watched on the link below from my Ishmaels Songs YouTube Channel.

But…to hear the (much better) full band recording you need to listen to ‘Life begins at 30’ by Rev Counta and the Speedoze which can still be bought as a double album along with ‘If you can’t shout saved’ by Ishmael Utd on (CD or Download) from our website shop www.ishmael.org.uk

Copyright Smale / Evans 1980 Thankyou Music

I’d love to come and visit your Church in 2025 and I’m really excited as invites are already coming in. Please do contact me direct ( e mail ishmael@ishmael.org.uk) if you wish to know more about hosting a Praise Party / All Age Celebration / When the road is rough and steep testimony concert. Expenses are being kept to the minimum as I just want to be with you, whilst I am still fit, able, and yup, still feeling just a tad anointed.