I had a dream!

A few Scriptures that have jumped out at me to put a tune to recently have reminded me how important it is to thank the Lord for what He has done, and what I have seen Him do throughout my life.

This might have inspired me to have this wonderful dream last night where I was invited to a Church just to share some of the wonderful things that I have personally seen God do.

This included sharing about miracles, healings, prophecy, supernatural protection, God’s power coming down upon people in the most amazing way etc.

Understandably, there was a lot of Spring Harvest happenings that I shared in the dream.

Wow! It really was a fantastic experience and I woke up really excited.

I’d call it ‘A time of total encouragement’!

Of course, this may have just been a fantastic dream to remind me to keep thanking the Lord for all the wonderful things that He has allowed me to see first-hand, and to actually be part of throughout my life.

But then I had a thought.

Just maybe ‘A time of total encouragement’ to hear totally uplifting true stories that ALL give the glory to God might be something that a local Church might need at this time.

I’m sure you will let me know if it is. It will certainly be something different to the other concerts I do and yes of course it would include appropriate songs and definitely Ish humour.

Either way, thank you for letting me share this with you.